miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012


                          11-S: THE CRIME OF TURBID KURT WALDHEIM (2)
      April 20, 1945, precisely on the birthday of the Fuehrer, Kurt was awarded the medal of merit of war of the first class with swords for his services under the command of general Loehr.
      Days later they were granted a few days for permission to go to the bunker of the Chancellery in Berlin to receive the congratulations of Hitler himself, which had scrutinised his career and had concluded that it was a promising young worthy of praise. Kurt was 26 years old, Hitler 56.      
      The day, 30 April 1945, the last day of the life of the Fuehrer, Kurt was in the bunker with Hitler, This will narrow heavily hand and embraced him by the shoulders telling him that if he had a son, he would have liked it to be like Kurt, a person loyal to the cause to the end, then told him that he could sit all the time I would like to visit the bunker and that if someone said something, answered it that he himself had given him permission. And so it was. Kurt was looking by the entire facility and it was noted that many tables were beginning to be empty, because its occupants was gone because that was the time of last rales of the nazi Empire. Then came an idea crazy head: ¿Do and if I stay here hidden until the end, to see what happens with Hitler at the last moment?, said and done, he found a perfect place to observe, and hidden behind a column, left to spend time observing as table after table the bunker it was emptying, unless the own Fuehrer realized andseen that it was time for the end, he decided to suicide in the company of Eva Braun, that drank the drink with cyanide, after which Hitler was shot in the upper palate introducing the revolver in his mouth open (so both she and him, dying at the mouth, and also Hitler autocastigaba body guilty of having given to words in his elegant to a world that did not deserve them.) (As for Eva, thus serving the promise of dying next to him, he had done when he allowed it, advised by astrologers, should take the initiative in the Montecasino defense against the Americans, which lasted several months and was a feat and German strategic victory of Eva and Hitler together, because the American goal of the battle was support a massive landing in the Balkans, project frustrated and, therefore, defeated). But we were in the bunker at the time that Eva and Hitler already have committed suicide. Following his last faithful spread a blanket on the ground and deposited therein both bodies, then wrapped them and came to the entrance to the bunker, there, in one of the craters opened by American bombs from aircraft, deposited the bundle and doused it with gasoline, after which did burn, and only rested in the environment was a strange smell of bitter almonds. Then came the turn the last faithful disappear. And the last faithful to disappear was Kurt. Excited by his own temerity to have been he who acted as real captain of the ship sinking, he had no further occurrence that emerge from their hiding place and escape forward, like a crazy possessed by the idea that, according to the Protocol, he assigned the honor of captain, he was the real merit of having resisted until the end, even more than the own Fuehrer, and thus, while leaving and he departed in the direction of return to his headquarters in the Balkans, was committed to devote the rest of his life to evaluate and enforce the Protocol in their great degree as the highest expression of any policy.
      It may 8, 1945 produced the German capitulation of war.      
      In May 1945 a delegation of Yugoslav Partisans is presented at the headquarters of Loehr near Zagreb, in Sevnica, in order to begin talks for the surrender of German troops. A witness tells that Kurt was with Loehr on that date. Kurt was prisoner of the Yugoslav Partisans for a brief time before fleeing.      
      Kurt May 15, 1945, according to witnesses, was in the Austrian village of Stervja in the region of Ramsau, where his wife had just given birth to a baby girl.      
      Since the end of may 1945 it internal Kurt in the American field of Bad Tolz in Upper Bavaria,     
      In early August 1945, in appreciation of his valuable information, it is permitted to return to Vienna and to act as if nothing had happened.      
      On 30 August 1945 Kurt is presented to the superior court of the District of Vienna to receive his post for "referendar" there.      
      November 26, 1945, after exercising in the Court of the District of Baden, comes into the Office of Foreign Affairs of the Austrian federal Chancellery. His destination in Baden near Vienna, where lived his father, zone under Soviet control, was brief.     
      In 1947 the Yugoslavs fought Loehr a court that orders their hanging. Loehr was sentenced to death and executed in Yugoslavia. 

                                                Kurt at the bottom looking to the general Löhr                                
      And we go with the next part of the story of Kurt.     
      From 1948 to 1951 he worked as first Secretary of the Austrian delegation in Paris.             
      From 1951 to 1955 he headed the Department of personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vienna.      
      In 1955 he was named Austria in the United Nations Permanent Observer.
      Later in the same year Austria was admitted to the UN and then went on to lead the Mission of Austria in that organization.      
      From 1956 to 1960 he was, first, Minister Plenipotentiary, and later, Ambassador of Austria in the Canada.      
      From 1960 to 1962 he was the Director of the Western political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria.      
      Later and until June 1964 he was the Director General of political affairs.     
      From 1964 to 1968 he was the Permanent Representative of Austria in the United Nations.
      From January 1968 to April 1970 he was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria.                
      In October 1970 he returned to be permanent representative of Austria in the United Nations.      
      In April 1971 he was one of two candidates for the Presidency of Austria but lost the elections. He then stood as a candidate for Secretary-General of the United Nations and this time succeeded:
      December 21, 1971 the UN Security Council suggested his appointment.      
      On December 22, 1971 the General Assembly of the UN adopted it by acclamation.                  
      On 1 January 1972 he was appointed Secretary General of the UN for 5 years.
Kurt en la ONU
   Began his career at the Summit: in March 1972 he travelled to South Africa and Namibia fulfilling an order of the Security Council.      
      In June 1972 he visited Cyprus for the first time.     
      In February 1973 he discussed with the Governments of Pakistan, Bangla Desh, India problems created by the war between them.      
      In August 1973 he visited Cyprus for the second time. He visited Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt and Jordan and made to Arab leaders that he sympathized with their demands on Israel and that for its part would not bad an attack. Such was the case.              
      In October 1973 on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur (day of forgiveness) Syria to the North and Egypt to the South attacked by surprise Israel. The war was brief and all lost out.     
      In June 1974 he met with the leaders of the Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan and Egypt to save appearances
      In August 1974, as a result of hostilities, he visited Cyprus for the third time.      
      In November 1974 he traveled back to Syria and Egypt to see with its leaders is what had failed, why they had not obtained a resounding victory over Israel, and then went to Israel and refused to put the Jewish kippá in the neck, that cap equals the Pope used there. "A visit by anything" said periodic Israeli.
      In 1974 Kurt makes for the (UN) world to recognize the PLO's Yasser Arafat (who did not recognize the right to the existence of Israel) as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. Thus we have a Israel legitimized by the United Nations (in 1948) and a Palestinian, which does not recognize Israel, also legitimized by the United Nations (in 1974). They both therefore have the same right to exist, something more ancient of Israel, but the conflict is served. And it is a conflict created by the same UN. Both parties will fight fiercely among themselves because of the whole world chaired by Kurt, now if it can be called the Emperor of evil.     
     In 1976 Kurt was reelected to his mandate in the UN until December 1981. Then disappears from history to reappear in 1986, in that once again be a candidate for the Presidency of Austria, his country. Occurs then the unexpected, during his campaign discovers his pro-nazi committed past and begin to disqualify him in all the newspapers of the world. Austria closes ranks surrounding him and he is elected President of the nation, but apart from Austria, the world closes it its doors. Above all, United States declares "persona non grata" and prohibited from entering the country, this is the straw that fills the glass. "Shut me the door to my - thinks him – to me that I have been President of the Commission on the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, to my that I have been Chairman of the Committee of safeguards of the international of the Atomic Energy Agency, to me that I have chaired conferences on trade and development, on the human environment, on the sea, on population, on the global food, on the European security and cooperation. That I do not I find it. Without me worldwide would not be what it is. To me the world it owes me everything. Already will see the Americans and the world in total, than I'm able to. Let me give her well-deserved". And so it becomes the year of 1992 that ends his presidency without being able to move just for the planet, outside a few visits to Arab countries, and without the possibility already be re-elected, then completely lacked popularity. All that disappeared from the scene forever, until came his death in anonymity, in Vienna, June 14, 2007, by fever with cardiac infection, i.e., by having the heart infected.
      .But between 1992 and 2007 had a large stake in a world event of prime importance: the suicide terrorist attack on the twin towers of New York on 11 September 2001. The thing was this: Kurt was forced to leave the Austrian Presidency for always in 1992. Soon after, on February 26, 1993 the terrorist organization Al Qaeda left a van loaded with explosives in an underground of the World Trade Center in New York (twin towers) that by exploiting left a balance of 6 dead and 1,000 wounded, which made him see Kurt that he was not only in the world, that there were others who like him were resentful against the United States and ready to beat cruelly. So he threw hand of his contacts in the Arab countries, whose Presidents had befriended during his tenure at the UN, and asked: "Who is behind the organization Al Qaeda? I have a secret interview with him? I have something interesting to offer." "Of course Yes, Honourable Mr Waldheim, we know you very well and have confidence in you." So Kurt and Osama Bin Laden met, and Kurt was easy to entice Osama, told him: "Yes have beaten well, and the site accurate, but not strong enough. I can advise you about other more lethal method, I know well the world of air flights, as Secretary-General of the United Nations have had to go to get to the airport to plenty of great leaders that I have had do honors, there have been days when I had to go to receive three leaders at a time, in three different places, so I know all air schedules of the United States to imply, all possible combinations, to the most complex, there are no secrets for me regarding this topic, I know more than any pilot about how much take this flight, how long it takes one, which makes shortcut, which is giving a winding road, etc. and with all this, the plan that I propose to use airplanes as missiles kamikaze against the twin towers will use commercial flights more suited to the objective, they will be the shortest and most direct which more guarantees provided. It will only need to train the suicide men in the technique of piloting planes, which can be easily done in some academies in flight in the United States, and then, BAM! Take that, Yanks, the demon gringos! ¿What do you think, Osama?" - "Great, Honourable Mr Waldheim!" And hands were put to work. As head of the suicide bombers became the Egyptian Mohamed Ata, who was the only one who came to meet personally with Kurt before complying with the diabolical mission, Kurt commanded him to destroy his passport so that no one knew or came to know that Ata had gone from Germany to Austria, he needed passport because it was not of the European Community and required visa to enter, that it could serve as clue to the police. They departed 4 aircraft in suicide mission, one for each twin tower, another for the Pentagon and another for the White House, the latter was truncated and did not fulfill its goal, the other 3 they did. And the rest of what happened as we all know:  
      UNITED STATES made war on Afghanistan, and success-driven was released to make also with Iraq, after which, at the height of the audacity would touch the Iran turn, but then are the Arab countries, and make a protective barrier around Iran, with a demonstration of force: rise oil 30 and peak dollars per barrel to almost one hundred and fifty dollars in a year, another year later transmitting the crisis to cement, mortgages and gasoline in the West and we got to the current global crisis. The Arabs have shown what they are able if there is war against Iran  ¿do dare the USA to make it? Not while is Obama, but and then? We'll see.

      What if we can give apparently is that the prophecies of Angelo Roncalli met: page 123 line 8 can be read in the book of Pier Carpi:
       More attention to the last to come out of the burrow. It will be difficult to kill it and prepares new woes for the world. He knows the true face of the beast.              

      The burrow is the bunker of the Chancellery in Berlin, where Hitler took refuge with his company in the last stage of the war. And the last to leave the bunker was Kurt Waldheim, who so much evil has caused the world with his presidency of the UN and the attack of 11 september 2001.      
      On page 144 line 5 we can read:
      And in the Palace where the States embrace live the fugitive of the burrow. This Palace appears hatred towards Israel. It will be sign of ruin.       
      That is, in the Palace of the United Nations has its “raison d ' être”, beats the heart of Kurt Waldheim, is what it does not send, because it is limited to chair summits and conferences and to be ornamental, but above all to exercise Protocol, so sacred to him. And dwelt in the UN from December 1971 until December 1981, period in which he growed and sowed hatred anti-Jewish, so typical of the nazis, in all the countries of the world. He elicited the Yom Kippur war and in the light of his failure, then legitimized Yasser Arafat, a terrorist who did not believe in the right to exist of Israel, as representative of the Palestinian nation with right to holy land.       
      And on page 148 line 10 we can read:

      The time has incubated a troubled mind...He has engineered a crime around himself. There is who renounces life for love of evil.       

      Many years of pretence, of wanting to prove it is not, of trying to delete the nazi past, lie and lie more and did not repent, want to make believe that you have a past clean when what you have is a dark past, this dual mental life (says one thing but thought always otherwise) has come to cloud the mind of Kurt and turn it into a macro-crimen against the hand that has fueled, against that place that owes everything, New York and the United States, in spite only for having uncovered his past and have ruined his political career. And to provide a criminal response has earned Muslim terrorist suicide bombers, they relinquish life for love of evil.

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